How Storytelling Can Shape Your Cloud Cost Management Strategy
Storytelling can change the narrative of your cloud cost management strategy by opening up communication and sharing business context across your organization.
AWS Cost Allocation Guide: Aggregating and Assigning Cloud Costs
Understanding AWS spend is a big pain point for companies, but cloud cost allocation can help. In the second part of this series, we’re focusing on what to do with your cloud cost data once it’s generated.
Spending Money to Save Money with Savings Plans and Reserved Instances
AWS offers a lot of options to save money by committing to a certain level of spend that you can get without dealing with an Accounting Team. We break down how they work and what strategy works best for your spend.
AWS Cost Allocation Guide: Identifying Your Costs
At The Duckbill Group, our clients repeatedly tell us the same thing: We need to know why our AWS bill went up. In fact, gaining better visibility into your cloud spend is one of the biggest pain points you will encounter with AWS. For organizations moving from the data center world, AWS is a completely […]
The Secret Ingredient Duckbill Looks for in Employees
I hate writing job descriptions. I always feel like I’m going to inadvertently write a job description for a purple squirrel. I know who we are as a company; that part’s easy to write. But how much do I know about what we’re looking for in a candidate? Are we basing the job description off […]
AWS Cost Allocation Guide: Tagging Best Practices
Looking for AWS tags you can implement immediately? We’ve got you covered.
Protecting Our Clients: Incentive Alignment
We take our role in protecting our clients quite seriously, and that starts with aligning incentives.
A Duck Tale
In February 2020, we began building what would become DuckTools, a new AWS cost management SaaS tool, modeled off of our extensive internal tools we built for our consulting projects. We launched to the world in private beta in December 2020.
This month, we shuttered it.
Let’s talk about why.
AWS Begins Sunsetting RIs; Replaces Them With Something Much, Much Better
Don’t worry, Reserved Instances will still be around. You just don’t have to think about them anymore unless you want to.
AWS Cross-AZ Data Transfer Costs More Than AWS Says
When it comes to the exact cost cross-AZ data transfer, the AWS documentation is a bit ambiguous. So I ran a little experiment to figure out how much it costs to move data between availability zones in the same region.
You Need a Multi-Cloud Dashboard Because I Want To Sell You One
The only vendors selling multi-cloud dashboards are the ones who’d be out of business if you didn’t buy them.