FinOps Practice Assessment

Control Your Cloud Costs With a FinOps Plan Tailored to You

Not knowing what your next bill will look like is not only scary, it’s expensive. Duckbill gives FinOps teams clarity, control, and confidence over cloud costs.

Consulting Billie

Uncertainty Is Costly

Whether you’re unsure if your cost management program is effective, or you’re trying to figure out how to start one yourself— Duckbill can help. We’re experienced engineers and finance experts who can tailor a cost management strategy to your needs, and your goals.

Experience Makes the Difference

There’s a big difference between writing a playbook, and running a playbook. Duckbill has consulted with hundreds of companies to help them manage billions of dollars in cloud spend. That experience informs every part of our FinOps work. We know how to help businesses run better FinOps playbooks that produce results.

Don’t Go It Alone

Building a FinOps team from the ground up is challenging. Assessing if your team’s FinOps strategy is working is challenging, too. Duckbill can pave the way to a more productive FinOps team, and put that nagging question “could I be doing more?” to rest.

Let’s Work Together

Working with Duckbill, you’ll have a team of FinOps experts who can assess your existing cost management system’s strengths and weaknesses or build you a new cost management system from the ground up. In either case, the story ends the same — you can forecast spend confidently, control costs across organizations, and take back the reins of your cloud spend.

Don’t just take our word for it, though. Plenty more where this came from.

Generic Client Quote Icon
“We engaged Duckbill for an assessment of our FinOps maturity and capabilities. We already had a FinOps team and had been working on improving everything ourselves, but felt a third-party objective assessment would push us to the next level.

Duckbill really went above and beyond our expectations: they interviewed stakeholders from all across the organization, put together a comprehensive report with very actionable, tailored-to-us findings and recommendations, and briefed our executive leadership team on what they found and recommended next steps.

After such an experience, we decided to partner with Duckbill long-term to help us implement their recommendations and guide us in the future.”
Anonymous,  IT Leadership,  Fortune 500 Company

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+1 (833) AWS-BILL

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